July 13, 2023 All Articles

The Impact of EAP Short-Term Counseling on Wellness – Workplace Options

The emotional support provided by Global Employee assistance programs is almost exclusively short-term and solution focused. However, longer term counseling interventions are being introduced in a competitive marketplace. Until now there has been a shortage of published research into the effectiveness of such interventions using large populations of EAP cases.

This study aims to examine the effectiveness of counseling in the short-term model adopted by the Employee Assistance industry. In particular, this study focuses on the effectiveness of the short-term counseling model by users of the Workplace Options (WPO) employee assistance program. These users are referred to Masters-level counselors who then deliver in-person face-to-face, structured telephonic, or structured video counseling sessions.

Download this white paper below to understand and learn more about the impact of EAP short term counseling on wellness.

The Impact of EAP Short-Term Counseling on Wellness

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