We are delighted to be partnering with Rae Rituals Relief for Wellbeing at Work US Summit on March 7 – March 9. We caught up with Christina Rae to find out why she is so passionate about wellbeing at work and why she are looking forward to the Summit.
We are thrilled to be working together at our Wellbeing at US Summit in March. Our first question is how are you doing today?:
I am feeling energized and connected.
What are the main challenges you are facing when it comes to employee wellbeing?
A big challenge today is keeping employees balanced. Balance is essential because, without it, employees burn out and lose motivation, which can be detrimental to their well-being and company health overall. Our company is fully remote, and when you work from home, for example, the line between work and personal life often gets blurred.
What strategies have you seen developing in the region over the past 6-12 months to address health and wellbeing in the workplace?
I am seeing more companies engage in mindfulness through coaching for their employees and things like retreats and seminars. I also see companies encouraging employees to incorporate more tools into their daily lives to maintain well-being and a healthy lifestyle. Breathwork is definitely on the rise!
Why is employee wellbeing so important to you personally?
A company is a living, breathing organism; every part needs to be cared for to be well—including the people. As a conscious company, the well-being of our employees is essential because it is our mission to help people feel better, and that starts with us.
What are you most looking forward to about the Summit in March?
I am looking forward to energizing the attendees with some breathwork!
Tell us, what is your vision for the workplace of the future, in terms of employee engagement, health and wellbeing?
My vision for the future includes a company workplace that pushes employees to not only better the company but to better themselves and to support each other as they do.
What areas do you think employers should be focused on over the next 12-18
Mindfulness, mental health, wellness
How has your organization been leading the way?
My organization, Rae Rituals, is a community and space designed to help people feel better through breathwork. We support people on their journey to being well; this includes while at work. Sign up for a membership, and stream mindfulness practices live and on-demand by visiting raerituals.com
Join Rae Rituals at the Wellbeing at Work US Summit that takes place both live and in-person in New York and Silicon Valley and virtually for the wider region. Further details on the Summit can be found here.