January 23, 2023 All Articles

Alexis Brown, Workplace Culture and Wellness Program Manager, National Archives and Records Administration

We caught up with Alexis in preparation for her involvement in the Wellbeing at Work US Summit on March 7 – March 9 to find out why she is so passionate about wellbeing at work and why she is looking forward to the Summit.

We are thrilled that to be working together at our Wellbeing at US Summit in March.

Our first and most important question is, how are you doing today?:

Thank you for asking.  I am doing well, I am healthy, I am blessed.  I am also in a conscious state of protecting self-care in my life.  That is helping me to remain well.

As a leader based in the region, what are the main challenges you are facing when it comes to employee wellbeing?

The top challenges that I support employees around currently are managing stress and burnout at work, meeting life needs while tackling work responsibilities in a way that makes sense, and nurturing trusting relationships at work that are built on healthy communication and diverse perspectives.

What strategies have you seen developing in the region over the past 6-12 months to address health and wellbeing in the workplace?

A conscious focus on practicing gratitude and empathy at work – to promote healthy work relationships and organizational wellbeing.

Why is employee wellbeing so important to you personally?

In any organization, the workforce members are the most precious resource.  If employees are not cared for at work, they will show up in a head-space that is far less than what it could be if wellness was strong culturally.  If employees are not at their best at work, what they produce will not be the best – bottom line.

What are you most looking forward to about our event in March?

I am most looking forward to connecting with the other attendees and speakers and learning from them – being able to expand my mind around this common passion area of wellbeing at work.

Tell us, what is your vision for the workplace of the future, in terms of employee engagement, health and wellbeing?

My vision includes diversity, innovative work experiences, to include workplace flexibilities, and the prioritization of employee wellness over budgetary gain.

What areas do you think employers should be focused on over the next 12-18

A focus of how well employee care is being offered and exhibited by leaders should be number one.  How well are leaders setting examples of wellbeing at work?  How well is it communicated and endorsed?  How well are middle managers educated and supported around related principles?

Join Alexis in New York where she will be speaking at the Wellbeing at Work US Summit that takes place both live and in-person in New York and Silicon Valley and virtually for the wider region. Further details on the Summit can be found here.

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